+31-512-33 44 44 vehiclelifts@stertil.nl

well thought out in all aspects

Mobile Column Vehicle Lifts

Ideal for busy workshops where the vehicle lifts need to be frequently relocated. Stertil-Koni mobile columns vehicle lifts are fitted with the intuitive Stertil-Koni ebright Smart Control System making the operation and positioning of the lift simpler than ever. Using the innovative owner ID key, it is possible to connect up to 32 columns in one configuration. Capacities for the individual mobile column vehicle lifts range from 6.5t to 17.5t.


  • Easy to reposition
  • Safe, no tripping hazard
  • Fast & simple recharging
  • Optimal connectivity
  • Maximum Flexibility
  • Minimum lift maintenance
  • Highest Safety Requirements

Operational Features


Lifting Capacity (kg)6,5007,5008,50010,00013,000 17,500
Fork typeFixedAdjustableAdjustableAdjustableFixedFixed
Fork Length (mm)500350350300640450
Fork width (mm)770240 - 560240 - 560240 - 5601006806
Lifting Capacity (kg)6,500Fork typeFixedFork Length (mm)500Fork width (mm)770
Lifting Capacity (kg)7,500Fork typeAdjustableFork Length350Fork width240 - 560BROCHURE
Lifting Capacity (kg)8,500Fork typeAdjustableFork Length350Fork width240 - 560BROCHURE
Lifting Capacity (kg)10,000Fork typeAdjustableFork Length300Fork width240 - 560BROCHURE
Lifting Capacity (kg)13,000 Fork typeFixedFork Length640Fork width1006BROCHURE
Lifting Capacity (kg)17,500Fork typeFixedFork Length450Fork width806BROCHURE

Fast, Efficient and Reliable.

Stertil-Koni mobile column vehicle lifts really are ‘mobile’ and very easy to move around with the synthetic wheels and hydraulic pallet truck mechanism with the patented overload protection.

Less workshop floor damage due to the Stertil-Koni retractable wheels which prevent high point loading reducing the surface pressure by a factor 10.

Reliable Lifting Technology Stertil-Koni mobile columns

Jay Leno's Garage

Jay Leno's Garage showcases the Stertil-Koni Mobile Column Vehicle Lifts.

Adjustable lowering speed

Do you want to lower the vehicle more slowly for precise positioning of under carriage components? This is easily done via the interactive Stertil-Koni ebright Smart Control system at the touch of the screen.

Mobile Column - ST 1075

The ST 1075 column lift has a lifting capacity of 7,500 kg per mobile column lift. The ST 1075 is especially designed to lift heavy duty commercial vehicles, such as buses and lorries, agricultural machinery and special applications such as aircraft vehicles.

  • Mobile Column - ST 1075
  • Mobile Column - ST 1085
  • Mobile Column - ST 1100
  • Mobile Column - ST 1130
  • Mobile Column - ST 1175

ebright Smart Control System on all Models

ebright logo stertil-koniFor operating the mobile column lifts, Stertil-Koni offers for both Wireless and Cabled models the ebright Smart Control System:

  • Wireless, ebright Smart Control System (FWA)           
  • Cabled, ebright Smart Control System (FSA)

Wireless Mobile Column Lifts

The special deep cycle batteries only need to be recharged every two weeks. No time is wasted connecting up cables and the mechanic has maximum access to the vehicle, without any tripping hazard.

The wireless mobile columns are easy to charge by means of a 230 V wall-mounted socket. Cabled columns lifts operate from a standard 400 V supply with other voltages available. Learn more about the ebright Smart Control System: 

More information


… or cabled, it’s up to you

If you predominantly work in a fixed location the cabled mobile column lifts may work out to be the best solution for you. Same as for the Wireless Mobile Column Lifts, this set up also offers the possibility to connect up to 32 columns in a single configuration.

The cabled versions also have a lifting capacity of 6.5 tons up to 10 tons per column, respectively. Extra strong drive-over cables are optionally available for these cabled column lifts. All interconnection communication cables are equipped with heavy-duty plugs at both ends. 


Safe Work Area

We have designed as an extra safety feature, a large working area between the column and the vehicle. For example, if a problem with the air suspension occurs, the vehicle will not make contact with the column.

32 mobile column lifts in one set

Max 32 Linked Columns  


Overload protection

Overload Protection


Unique Synchronisation System

Unique Synchronisation system


Unique Synchronisation

The synchronisation system is activated at a height difference of just 15 mm. this ensures safe and smooth lifting and lowering cycles, even in the event of an extremely uneven load distribution

EXTREMELY Heavy Duty Lifting

The total lifting capacity is variable by linking multiple lifting columns together. A maximum of 32 columns can be linked in a single configuration lifting up almost every type of heavy commercial vehicle.


Lifetime guarantee

The innovative synthetic runner wheels within the column come with a lifetime parts guarantee.

Highest Safety Requirements 

To guarantee maximum safety in the workshop, the Stertil-Koni products have received the required certifications.

  • ANSI/ALI-ALCTV certified (USA), CSA certified (Canada), CE Certified (Europe)
  • Low voltage control panel
  • Each column is equipped with an emergency stop button and is tested prior to leaving the factory
  • Splash proof electrical system (IP 65)

Reliable hydraulic technology

  • Long life cycle of the column with minimum repair and maintenance due to reduced friction
  • Stringent testing before leaving factory
  • Manual lowering in case of a power outage
  • Maximum protection of the cylinder and seal against damage
Lifting a mobile crane with mobile column lifts by Stertil-Koni

The Ultimate Liberty of Heavy Lifting

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