+31-512-33 44 44 vehiclelifts@stertil.nl

Heavy Duty Vehicle Lifting

Global Market Leader

Thousands of craftsmen in garages and workshops have trusted Stertil-Koni lifting systems since 1947. During these years the number of users in The Netherlands and abroad has grown continually. Stertil-Koni is now a world concern that is active in more than 45 countries.

Experience the Products
Stertil-Koni mobile columns and platform vehicle lift

News & Events

Stertil-Koni High Lift Wheel Dolly


NEW Workshop Equipment

Product Introduction, the Stertil-Koni High Lift Wheel Dolly. 

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Our Projects


The Possibilities

What are you lifting

What are you lifting?

Not sure which product you need to lift up your vehicle? Visit our I'M LIFTING page or contact one of our employees, they can provide all the information you need to have the best lifting solution! Contact us here